Monday, April 6, 2009

Core Work in the "New" Economy

Happy Monday Morning....

I just came across the following item that I think is quite relevant to virtually any organization (especially now!!!).    I've included a brief excerpt below with a link to the complete article.

Have a terrific week.


The Manager's Core Work in the New Economy
Peter Henschel, Executive Director, Institute for Research on Learning

Beyond the Buzzwords

In these crazy, on-the-edge times of accelerating change and unnerving uncertainty, it is not enough to rely on "empowered high-performance work teams" to succeed. Nor do the buzzwords and platitudes around "knowledge management" and "empowerment" give us much insight. What the new realities demand is a deep understanding and belief in the ways people actually and naturally learn and to act based on oneÕs understanding. 

The manager's core work in this new economy is to create and support a work environment that nurtures continuous learning. Was it not ever thus? Even if so, our organizations rarely give this the attention it deserves. Now, more than ever before, it's an imperative, and will be so "for the duration." 

In this brief essay , I shall lay out some of the principles that should serve managers well as they explore their new roles and responsibilities. .......

complete article is at:

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Jeff Miller
Innovative Leadership Solutions
 "Gramma said when you come on something good,
first thing to do is share it with whoever you can
find; that way, the good spreads out where no
telling it will go.  Which is right." 
             - Forrest Carter,
               The Education of Little Tree.